I finally got the I-cord bind off of this dang thing done last night (Thank you sweet baby Jesus in the manger), and was able to move on to another project before putting out my own eyes with the needles.
I played with the second pictures color a bit to try and get it to show the color differences in the skeins. It's not a glaring difference and with the center out pattern, I think it actually breaks up the color well. It almost looks purposeful. It's always amazing to me how the things that get you worried while working on the project you end up liking at the end of the piece.
With that said though, I don't know if the transitions would work on something like an end to end blanket or a sweater. Probably just fine but my anal retentive knitting personality (I have different ones for different things, we all should no?) would have been bothered by it. I would have had to rip it out or smother that little nagging perfectionist part of me with a skein of the softest merino or cashmere. All violence carried out in love should be done with class and luxury.
And I want to point out how close a call this all was... That's right, of the 8 skeins I used, and fretted as to when to start my edging, this was all I had left. I giggled nervously as I grafted the I-Cord's end and realized how little I had left. I think my work partner was worried about my sanity there for a moment.
With that all said, I can start the Christmas knitting in earnest now and get another dinosaur hat done since once again, I have a toddler on my hands that doesn't fit the toddler hat. A word to anyone who does the Roar! Dinosaur Hat from Ravelry; it's a lovely and cute as heck hat pattern, but make the next size up should you decide to make it. I re-measured my gauge after the first one and found that I was still on despite my sizing issues. Other than that, this little hat is staying in my pattern collection for future kiddos, of any age. We can all use a dino hat right? I'm making myself one for Halloween.
Oh, and the Muttley Crew say "Hi" too.
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