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Sunday, February 3, 2013

And They Arrived

Which knowing I'm speaking of socks isn't a big deal, but if you knew me and how my name seems to open a wormhole in the postal service sorting systems that sucks my handmade gifts into another alternate universe (or this is where I assume the end up since the intended person never sees the item), this actually borders on a small miracle. Usually I package up items and have Bob take it to the post office, but this week he had a hectic schedule and I took Betsy's socks that I have kept a blog secret to the post office for shipping myself.
That's right, a blog secret because I didn't want her to know I was knitting them and I know she actually reads my blog. But now that the have arrived and she has furnished me with pictures, I can share.

Betsy has a blog of her own that you can find here. I always love reading it to not only catch up with her but to be in on things back home. Especially on winters such as these her pictures make me a bit homesick for ski trails and actual snow fall. That's right, Anchorages meager snow this year is still more than ours. She is a wonderful photographer and I encourage anyone interested to wander that way and peruse her photos.

This Christmas she also got a scarf from me that made me think of our kayaking days. This was my favorite self portrait she did because I can see she's trying not to smile or laugh at herself. I have to agree with her though that wrapping it over her head I want to call her Babushka. Wear it around your neck Bets.

This was Romi Hills Alcyone Shawlette. It is supposed to be reminiscent of the surf with the garter stitch edge being the beach, the initial lace motif waves rushing ashore and the body being bubbles that froth the surf. I added some small brass beads to the edge and it made me think of driftwood and the other treasures you sometimes find on our beaches back home in Alaska. Sometimes you can still find the old Japanese glass bubble net floats.

Well, I need to finish prepping for my "Mistakes, Mishaps, and Oh Craps" knitting class I'm teaching at the Blooming Needle Yarn Shop today. I have a lot to cover in two hours. Fingers crossed. If all goes well I was thinking about posting my handout here to share.

Have a great day and don't fill up on to much junk food while enjoying the game guys,

1 comment:

  1. love the free public i do wear the scarf around my neck. late night photo sessions can find me getting a wee bit strange! a good reason not to do to many late night self portraits! haha. thanks again!! i love them both! i got holgate cabin for memorial day weekend...wish you were coming with us!!!
