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Friday, August 29, 2014


Well, I finally slept in a bit on this vacation. Its only the last morning that I'll be waking up in Alaska for some time. Just laying here thinking that makes me a bit sad. This vacation was a bit of a homecoming and just confirmed for me that Alaska will always be my home state. 

Even though that last statement feels very true, it's no longer home in the sense that it isn't where my life is currently at. More importantly my boys are not here. By that I mean both The Guy and the dogs. This little fact makes it easier to leave here and go home. I miss them all quite terribly. And though I will miss the mountains, the people, and yes, even my family, I yearn to be in my own home with those that make my life work on a daily basis around me. 

Hopefully it won't be another 5 years before I come home again. In fact, I will try to make sure it is not. But it is time to return to my life and my new home in Michigan. Who knows, maybe the next time I head north, we'll be packing the household instead of a suitcase...

All right, enough melancholy, I have 12 hours before heading to the airport. I need to do some laundry and beat my Mom at Gin-Rummy. See you all later and hope you all enjoyed following the little photo journey with us yesterday as we ran around with my brothers kids. 


  1. safe trip was so wonderful to get to spend a day + with you. :-)

  2. Late commenting but I enjoyed seeing snapshot of places mentioned in your tales of Alaska. - Joe
