I'm not one to feel depressed about stuff, and I am not saying by any means I was or am depressed, but I've been very negative. I'm not where I wanted to be in life, emotionally, or just mentally, but I'm getting there and maybe that's a good reason to start sharing on here again. It's not the first time such a time has happened to me and I'm sure it's not the last but it has been the longest chunk of time that I've felt so negative.
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Can you see the hummingbird? They're a pain to get a shot of) |
What do I mean by negative? I mean I feel bitchy and mean spirited. I catch myself saying things that aren't normal for me. I don't have near the sense of humor I normally do and I'm just crabby. In short, I feel like I'm turning into a curmudgeon at 37 years of age. Just start calling me Crankshaft. And feeling like that, I don't like to put my views out there. If I'm going to add to the voices out there to read and maybe make someone think, I prefer to do that when I'm much happier and lighter in mind set and humor. As anyone whammy remember previous postings here, I like to laugh. Not gripe, bitch, and moan because that is entirely unhelpful to anyone.
So, on that note, we shall not discuss politics (unless we're going to laugh at all of them because it's getting that ridiculous), not bombings (except say I'm thinking of anyone who have been affected; or worse, harmed by them), or especially the latest celebrity hijinks (except why did I have to dig to find real news under all the Brangelina, Kardashian, and Real Housewives BS???). We shall discuss other things in life that make us happy.
What such things you ask? Well, the yarn store I was working at has now closed for business though we're still working on getting it all cleaned up and sorted. Why is that happy news? Well, it doesn't make me sad. It's time. I think the owner had been stalling on making this decision and I think in it's way this is happy news and a good change for her.
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Sunbeam! |
Where am I going to be working you ask? Not here. And by not here I mean we're moving. We finally got confirmed that Bob is getting transferred back west. Bozeman Montana here we come! So, this is actually good timing as I will be staying home and packing like a maniac to get the house ready to go. We just finished the bathroom remodel and now we have got to get the kitchen wrapped up and done so we can get this place on the market.
And how do I feel about moving back west? Elated. I will miss some things about Michigan, don't get me wrong. Mostly I will miss people I have come to know over the last 3 years. But i will not miss the sheer number of people. Imagine, a town of 50,000 again, instead of 1.5 million. Ahhhhhhhh...
I will miss the singing night bugs, the frogs, the birds, and oh so much I will miss rain. Oh God how I will miss rain, but I will not miss the humidity. The Guy was gone all week for work this week and I had to launder his towel on Wednesday for it was still damp from his Sunday morning shower and starting to stink. I will not miss that. I will not miss waking up to muggy 70+ degree mornings where I'm sweating fresh out of the shower. Last weekend on closing day of the store I was mixing a batch of sangria for the party when The Guy mentioned I was sweating while standing there. I looked at him and said, "This isn't sweat."
"Oh yeah?" He replied, "What is it?"
"It's condensation." See, my sense of humor is coming back, but it takes a lot in the heat of summer.
In the meantime, I let my friend Karen talk me into becoming a pampered chef consultant. Yeah... Careful, I'm going to start harassing people. No I'm not. I am not a natural salesman so I don't imagine making a lot of money but there will be more about that later and I'll set up a link to my website if you guys want to order something... That's right, you can do all that online these days and not have to find or host a party. But enough of that.
Tucker is finally recovering from blowing his knee out. Poor guy. He's been down and out and his right butt is so shrunken but he's doing better. He's a month out from surgery and starting to use it more and more.
This last weekend was the Fallesburg Art Festival and of course, we had to go. Even without The Guy I had to wander on down as it may be the last time I get to go and it is a wonderful little festival.
It's located at the Fallesburg park which is a great venue. When the boys needed a break from the attention they gather we would walk down to the river (that's just a tributary there in the pic, the Flat River is on the other side of that bridge) and play in the water or as you can see from Sullivan's shot, watch frogs play.
And with any festival there's always food... The boys got hotdogs, I ate the fries.
And while we are discussing things to be happy, food, and pampered chef, I've been cooking. You know me, always cooking.
I made a fresh peach cobbler one day while I let the kirby salesgirls shampoo are living room rug. Nope, not buying a kirby. I know, so bad... This was the first time I've ever had cling peaches come away nicely from the pit. It tasted as good as it looked.
And while blanching I made something else I haven't made in years. This is a Raspberry Plum Tarragon Soup that is made then chilled before eating. So good on hot days. It's a fresh crisp flavor. I think this came out of a Martha Stewart Magazine years and years ago due to a note on the page where it lives in my recipe book these days.
And when my Pampered Chef stuff came I of course had to use something out of my boxes though I have left them packed due to the kitchen remodel happening. I broke out the RockCrock as it's something I've been curious about since they first came out. I have to say, I'm sold. I always thought they seemed a bit gimmicky but I like it even though I'm a cast iron kid. This was an awesome shrimp Paella dish that I doctored a bit to add some flavors. Delicious.
And other things that make me happy? Tea. A fresh pot of tea in the morning always makes me happy. I finally retired the old tea pot and had to make the new pot a cozy. Don't laugh, it really does keep the tea warmer.
Unfortunately pots don't come with instructions to make such a thing so there was lots of measuring, cussing, and stomping off as I figure out how to make it work. I think this is really a first draft. It's okay but it's not my favorite thing I've ever made up. Part of that is due to some stupidity as I knit.
Such as casting off my spout gusset stitches. Why did I do that? No idea and by the time I realized what I did I was so far past it I decided I didn't care. What I have is a perfectly serviceable cozy and a back up skein to knit something else later on should I decide I want to.
On other knitting news I've attacked Christmas knitting. I hope to send off my box before we leave here. A few things less to pack if I manage it. I've wrapped up the oldest of my brothers kids socks, his kid sisters iPhone gloves, and I think I have their mother taken care of. I was going to knit her something from some Alpaca I spun but it stinks. Literally, the finished yarn wreaks of animal. I wonder if male Alpaca's in rut smell like Billy goats sometimes do? I've washed it over and over and it still smells and I honestly am tempted to cut it up and leave it out for the mice, chipmunks, and squirrels to use in their nests.
The middle child's item is going to be what my entire plan hinges on. He's getting a sweater... Don't ask. I think if the yarn harlot can get a sweater done by Rhinebeck, I for sure can get one done by the time we leave, right? Stop laughing. Your supposed to only do that when I laugh with you. I actually have the biggest part done. Figuring out what I'm knitting, deciding on gauge, fit and stitch pattern and the back is done. Bam! I used most of two of my 8 balls of yarn which makes me nervous but I remind myself that the back is the biggest piece of knitting there is on the thing. I got this. Now why can't I ever knit to a frigg'n pattern?!? It would make my life so much easier and I could stop tearing out constantly and maybe make me a bit more happy.
I also have some lovely merino silk on the wheel... This has been put on hold for a bit though as we refocus on more important tasks.
Since we finally got word that the move will be happening I have started to prep. I burned the pile out back the other day including the old chicken coop. I felt a little guilty as I didn't clear my age burn pile first and get as much of the wild life out as possible but I had stuff to do. I watched a couple snakes make hasty exits from the rocks which tells me there were probably a lot of bugs and frogs among those branches.
I got it going so hot I had to go out near 11pm to rewet it as I saw live coals in the dark again and then again in the morning when I let the chickens out of the coop as it was still smoking.
We have a home for the chickens already, thank god. This morning I was up to 3 dozen eggs in the fridge this morning. Yesterday was the first day I got an egg per girl. Wowza, what were we thinking? I made cheesy chorizo and eggs this morning to get rid of a few.
So anyone know someone who wants to buy a loom or a cat? Serious about the loom, semi-serious about the cat... She's stayed an indoor kitty so she'll mint likely come with us but if someone thinks they want to adopt her and you all get along we'd consider it, but no promises, it's all about what s best for her, and she loves her boys.
The other day I saw my first stick bug! I told you I'd miss the bugs, especially the night singers. Not so much the constant wasps and their nest making, but I will miss some. Sorry, it was a horrible photo as I couldn't get the phone to focus on it and not my hand. I found it on the grill when I went to start it up for dinner. Glad I saw it and got it moved to the bushes by the deck. I was hoping the chickens would never see it hidden in there. They are so good for bug control despite the crazy amounts of mosquitos the last couple of weeks. Feels like we just got done with the summer flies and we're overswarmed by mosquitos. It almost feels like I'm back home.
Okay, that's it for now guys. Though I do have to share this one little bit of negativity because it still makes me laugh when I see it...
Thanks for sharing it with me Karen.